Alternatives to Face ID

Verify your identity with your... feet?

I remember when iPhones first came out and you could set a passcode. Then they unveiled Touch ID where you could unlock your phone with only a thumbprint. As the cameras on our phones included, they rolled out Face ID. Even when wearing a mask, your phone can still verify your identity if you do a little bit of extra setup. It’s quite impressive.

There are a few instances where Face ID does not cut it. If it’s dark, for example, it will struggle to detect your face. Also, if your face is squished or contorted in any way it might have a hard time. All that to say, it’s a pretty amazing feature.

But what if you can’t show your face for some reason? Or maybe you have another very distinct body part you’d like to use to unlock your phone. You could imagine a setting on your phone where you could select other body parts to use as a method of verification.

To be fair, taking off your shoes and socks every time you need to unlock your phone would prove to be quite unwieldy. Though it would also be pretty funny.

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