Apple Health fake sick prevention

"You're fine"

Being sick sucks. When you run your own business, it sucks a lot because you are the boss and you can’t just be ill and hope things will shake out okay. The buck stops with me so thankfully, I’m feeling much better after a few days of aggressive resting (if that’s even a thing).

I digress, this got me thinking about companies’ policies around PTO and the process for calling in sick. What if there was a way for Apple Health to detect your ambient body temperature and determine when you’re faking sickness?

The main limitations here are the accuracy of Apple’s tech and how invasive this sort of implementation would feel. Apple Watches can already detect a lot with heart beat and sleep, so I imagine it’s only a matter of time before phones catch up (though they aren’t tethered to us 24/7).

I wouldn’t like this feature, but it’d make getting out of work harder.

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