Apple Podcasts TL;DR

Did I really need to listen for an hour to know the case is still open?

Last weekend I was very sick (bedridden for a couple of days) with a gnarly sinus infection or cold. Not sure what it was exactly. Anyway, during that time I got really, really into true crime again. I, like most millennials, had a true crime phase from like 2016 to 2018, but got sick of it after a while. Also, there is a finite number of people who were murdered/died in a way worth talking about for an hour (morbid yes, but I’m not wrong).

I digress, while doing household chores yesterday I threw on a true crime podcast. I got to the end of the episode and realized that while people had been talking for almost an hour, basically nothing was actually discovered that moved the needle in terms of resolving/solving the case. Yes, I know this is how some true crime podcasts are structured, but it gets old after a while.

This got me thinking… what if there was a way to get a really quick synopsis, or at least know when a case is still open so you don’t need to commit a bunch of time listening to a podcast that has no meaningful conclusion? This would spell disaster for many true crime bloggers and podcasters, but it could save us millions of collective hours.

Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something, but this might actually be a useful feature.

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