Figma spelling punishment

Check your work

Spelling is hard. You probably noticed a glaring typo in yesterday’s design. There have been many typos before that, and there will likely be many to come. I’m not proud of it, but given the amount of work I’m putting out it does feel like it comes with the territory.

Given how error-prone I am, it would be helpful to get a second set of eyes on things at times. However, I don’t have a team so I doubt this will happen anytime soon.

This, plus a suggestion from a friend made me wonder: what if there was some sort of punishment for misspelling when designing? You could imagine a Figma feature where you get locked out of your file when you make a mistake.

To add insult to injury, the file owner could prescribe a spelling test for you to regain entry. I’m not sure this is the correct solution to improve selling, but it would certainly cause people to scrutinize their work more before sharing.

Have a friend who can’t spell to save their life? Send them this newsletter.

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