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Headlines don't tell the full story

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard a bit about the potential ban on TikTok. The government signed a bill that could eventually lead to TikTok getting sold, shut down, or banned. Given that TikTok represents a quarter of a trillion in shareholder value, I highly doubt they would get rid of the app altogether. That said, it will be interesting to see how this situation plays out.

The reactions from people around me reinforce a belief I’ve had for a long time: no one reads anymore. People skim headlines, yes, but they don’t sit down long enough to wrap their heads around what’s going on.

This got me thinking… what if browsers like Safari disabled sharing until someone had at least scroll to the bottom of an article? People would be annoyed by this feature, but it might help mitigate some of the confusion and misinformation that spreads when big world events occur.

For now, we’ll have to deal with people not having a good understanding of what’s happening apart from the headlines they see.

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