Go outside for more screentime

Don't show Andrew Huberman this

According to one quick Google search, it’s advisable to get 10 to 30 minutes per day of sunshine (the caveat being you should use sunscreen, etc, etc). I’m not a health expert so don’t get mad at me if this isn’t accurate.

Anyway, I live in California but don’t get enough sunlight. If we were discussing blue light (the light emitted from screens) I would be far over the recommended dosage. But then again, so would most people today. America spends a lot of time looking at a screen.

This led me to the idea of a screen time restriction where you force people to go outside. This isn’t very unhinged, though I’m sure if you were in the middle of reading an article or blog post it would feel super frustrating to be disrupted by this blocker. Also, if the ambient light requirements factored in sunshine, anyone who lives in the Pacific Northwest would be done for.

Today’s concept isn’t my magnum opus by any means, but hey, it’s the weekend, and I’ve been doing this for 500 days (hit that milestone on Friday 🎉).

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