Google Maps put APBs out on other drivers

The passive aggressive road rage alternative

One of the best parts of running your own business is that you get to choose (at least to some extent) the location of your office. Our office is less than 10 minutes from my house, so my “commute” is functionally non-existent. This is a massive improvement from my early career when I’d spend 3 to 3 hours a day driving to LA and back in traffic.

I used to be a pretty aggressive driver. However, a few years ago, I realized that no matter how crazy I drive, it won’t substantially impact my arrival time. This led me to chill out. It’s a much better time when you enjoy the journey.

Most of my fellow drivers unfortunately, have not chilled out. This got me thinking about the aggressive drivers on the road and Google’s robust features to report things like speed traps. What if there was an option to put out an all points bulletin (APB) on aggressive drivers?

If you play the tape forward on this, it’s obvious how bad this feature would be. Some people would troll with this feature. Others would use it excessively on people who made genuine mistakes or are just having a bad day.

This feature has a modicum of utility, but the cons outweigh the pros.

Have a friend who’s an aggressive driver? Send them this newsletter.


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