Google Meet mass-schedule final 1:1s

There's no easy way to say goodbye

My agency is growing. This means we’re making moves to hire full-time (yay). This also means we have to get some structure in place for things like job titles, comp, check-in meetings, etc. (oh no).

The corporate and performative side of work is yucky. There are so many buzzwords people throw around that don’t mean anything, but as a founder, you need to guzzle some amount of your own Kool-Aid to get people excited about your vision and mission.

Meanwhile, in corporate America, people are drowning in meetings. This got me thinking about people who inevitably decide to leave their cushy corporate jobs. What if there was a requirement where if you gave notice, Google Meet automatically scheduled 1:1s with every single coworker you’ve ever come into contact with?

This is one of my more deranged concepts. If you work long enough at a large company, this could result in hundreds of meetings. My record for 1 week is somewhere around 40, and it was brutal.

I wouldn’t wish a feature like this on my worst enemy.

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