Google Meets oscars music and credits

Force the meeting to end

We’ve all been in meetings that go too long. Some solutions to this problem might be detecting when people stop paying attention, projecting the cost of the meeting, or even a timer counting down to the end (like Microsoft Teams does).

But what if… our meetings could end with some more pizazz?

Introducing: Google Meet feature to play Oscars music and roll credits at the end of the call.

You can watch the full video of this feature here (I can’t embed videos in emails so we have to settle for this GIF).

Making this concept took a bit of work. First off, thank you to Josh Rozin for hopping on a Google Meet at 8 am on a Saturday to record the footage for this. From there I had to pull the video into After Effects and throw in the animated text plus add the music. It wasn’t too time-consuming but the process was a bit more intricate.

Apologies for the delay on this email, have a great rest of your weekend!

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