iMessage canvassing group chat

We need YOUR vote

You’re likely aware that there’s an election happening on Tuesday. If you weren’t aware, congratulations, you haven’t been subjected to a veritable hellscape of news, social media content, ads, and unsolicited text messages. It’s getting ridiculous. I’m now getting 10 to 15 texts a day about politics. How do these people get my number?

The bright side of unhinged or annoying features in my digital life is that they often spark ideas. As I was mass-deleting unsolicited texts this evening I started wondering what someone could do if they haven’t decided who to vote for on Tuesday yet.

What if there was a feature where you could take every canvasser who’s ever texted you and put them in a group chat to hash out and debate who you should vote for?

This would be a nightmare for the recipient (and many of the canvassers), but it would be extremely entertaining to watch. I doubt any minds would be changed due to this feature, but I’d love to see some of the lively debates it would inevitably spark.

Have a friend who hasn’t decided how they’re voting yet? Send them this newsletter.


or to participate.