iMessage contact name transparency

You haven't even saved my number??

At the time of this writing, I have a little over 1,000 phone numbers saved in my contacts. This is after I semi-recently removed a bunch of people who I will likely never speak to again from high school (though if I do, it will be awkward).

I am blessed to have a unique name, so I’m guessing a lot of people have my name just saved as “Soren”. I do have a friend who I always give a hard time because he saved my name as “Soren Biola” (the name of the college I went to) even though he doesn’t know any other Sorens.

I only know this information because he told me, but what if this was something we opted to show at the moment the number is saved?

In the instance above, Kaylee saves my number after we reminisce about date night at Chili’s. The unfortunate thing is, my name is “Bald tinder guy”.

Thankfully I’m happily married to someone far kinder than Kaylee (who isn’t real btw), but if this feature was real I think it would emotionally destroy a fair number of people.

Have a friend who’s in your phone under a weird nickname? Send them this newsletter.


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