iMessage did they save your number?

Looks like they didn't...

Sunday morning, I finally did something I’ve been dreading for the last year: I went through my texts and saved, updated, and deleted nascent message threads. I am pretty on top of reading texts, but there were still hundreds of threads, most of which had numbers I hadn’t saved. It’s stressful, but thankfully, I’m now back to a place where it feels manageable.

There were multiple instances where I had been texting people for months without saving their number. iMessage does this moderately helpful thing where it says “Maybe: {contactName}” but it doesn’t proactively save their info. This is annoying if you delete the thread thinking that they were a saved contact.

This got me thinking… what if there was a feature in iMessage where someone can see if you’ve saved their number or not? Yes, this is a bit invasive and gives people control they shouldn’t technically have, but it’s also helpful for people who aren’t organized.

Yes, people would revolt if this went live, but I’d find it quite helpful.

Have a friend who never saves numbers? Send them this newsletter.


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