Instagram mandatory bedtime

Get some shut eye

Starting a business is hard. If you care about doing great work, you end up spending a lot of late nights making sure everything that needs to get done, gets done. I’m currently starting to see what I think is the light at the end of the tunnel. May was one of the most challenging months for me ever between launching Stompers and trying to keep everything moving at Iterate.

The last few weeks, there have been multiple nights where I’m up til 3 or 4. When you hear the birds chirping as you go to bed, you know you’ve been up for too long.

I’m aware this isn’t sustainable, and I’m grateful to have recently brought on an operations person who I’m hopeful will help organize a lot of the chaos I’ve been trying to manage on my own.

This all got me thinking… what if there was a way for individual apps to shut down for the night based on health data? Let’s say my phone detects that I got less than 3 hours (or maybe 8 which is more standard), instead of showing me content on Instagram, the app could lock down and force me to go to bed.

I don’t think I would get much value out of this, as I try to go to bed immediately once I get my work wrapped up. It could be helpful for some of you doomscrollers though.

Have a friend who’s a night owl? Send them this newsletter.


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