Instagram option to take everyone

Share your content with the world, the whole world

It’s been years since I regularly posted on Instagram for non-business purposes. I remember back in college people would go out and do something fun and share pictures afterward. Getting tagged in stuff was always a pleasant surprise. Now having a larger following it’s less fun because random accounts tag me in stuff that is sometimes cool but usually just spam.

Thankfully, most apps now have granular privacy controls that allow you to prevent accounts from spamming you with tags.

When using apps like Slack, you can mention everyone in a channel with the @here tag. There is a secondary confirmation you need to make before doing this, but it’s possible. It’s also almost always unnecessary or annoying.

This got me wondering… what if a similar pattern was implemented in social networks? You could imagine an @all tag on Instagram where every single user on the platform gets a notification when you post.

This is a wild feature, but it could be fun if every user got one of these to user in the lifespan of their account. You could also paywall this but then companies might use it as an advertising tactic. Either way, I don’t think there’s a good application of this feature other than public service announcements.

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