Instagram parting message when blocked

"Any last words?"

Though I have a large following on social media, my content is surprisingly not polarizing. I’m guessing a few people have blocked me on account of the sheer volume of content that I post, but I intentionally keep things pretty PG so that my account can be fun for the whole family.

Regardless, people can be nasty on social media. Between the name-calling, mean comments, digs on your appearance, and general negativity it can be a bit much if you aren’t careful. Thankfully, it’s easy to block people. A few taps and they won’t show up on your feed anymore.

But what if you wanted to try and mend a broken relationship? You could imagine a notification that 1) shows you’ve been blocked and 2) prompts you to send one last message if you want to.

Even if this was shipped with the best of intentions, it’s rife for abuse. I have no doubt people would use this as one last moment to say the most heinous things. Thus, this should never exist.

Have a friend who can’t stop blocking people? Send them this newsletter.

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