Instagram to-do list integration

Be productive to consume content

This week has been a blur. Between traveling back from New York, two different partnerships (Coinbase & Antimetal), and wrapping up my last day at my full-time job (more on that in a few days), much has transpired. Amidst all of this, I’ve juggled a to-do list with trying to stay active on social media. Part of this is because I enjoy staying up to date, but it’s also part of my career now.

When you have to “do work” on social, it’s easy to fall into a rabbit hole and get sidetracked. Sometimes I know I have to post something or reply to someone, so I open a social app, and suddenly find myself deep in a Twitter thread asking myself, “Wait, how did I end up here?”

Whether you are prone to distraction like me or want to be even more productive, I think there could be an interesting solution. Rather than segmenting to-do list apps and social platforms into two discrete experiences, what if you integrated them?

For example, when you open Instagram, it could prompt you to complete an item off your to-do list before viewing additional content. This is similar to the screen time permission apps, but instead of limiting time spent you tie allowing access directly to completing a given task.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any sway at the big social media companies. If I did, this could be a fun hack week project.

Have a friend who never finishes their to-do list? Send them this newsletter.

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