iOS big ol' battery indicator

You gonna... charge that?

Some people are diligent about maintaining charges on their devices. I typically am, though this is more a symptom of my terminal internet usage rather than any level of discipline around making sure I have enough battery. I spend a disproportionate amount of my waking hours working, so it makes sense that I’m usually in a place where I can charge my phone.

However, one thing I’ve noticed is that my phone is either fully charged or on the brink of death. As the battery depletes, I somehow… don’t notice it? It’s strange.

Anyway, this got me thinking about the humble battery indicator. Since it’s so easy to miss, what if there was a way to make your battery life more prominent?

You can imagine a feature where the battery indicator gets larger and larger as it depletes. Eventually, around 5% or less, the indicator could take up most of the screen, essentially forcing you to charge.

This might be a good intervention for some people. However, since Apple doesn’t let you control your OS, there’s no way to build this.

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