iOS if powered by CrowdStrike

Blue screen of death

I was working late into the night last night (as is tradition lately). I took a brief break to skim the news and discovered a significant chunk of the world was waking up to software outages. Apparently CrowdStrike had an enormous outage yesterday that resulted in grounded flights, stock market closures, and most importantly, an inability to order Starbucks when I woke up yesterday morning. Truly a modern tragedy.

This made me think about how great it is to be operating within Apple’s walled garden. However, I asked myself what the world would look like if apps were powered by CrowdStrike. You can imagine opening your iPhone and seeing a bunch of tiny little blue screens of death. After all, this is what people at airports, banks, and more saw yesterday as they tried to conduct business.

It’s incredible to see how quickly something can go south when an important infrastructure goes down. It also underscores how reliant we are on technology to power activities that on the surface don’t feel tech-powered (for example, flying).

Thankfully, iOS is not powered by an external provider like CrowdStrike, but I had to strike while the iron is hot with this concept.

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