iOS see if they're ignoring your calls


I may be alone in this, but younger generations seem averse to phone calls. I love them. It’s a blast to yap it up with a friend or family member vs. speedrunning arthritis by typing on a tiny keyboard. You lose the nuance of hearing someone’s voice otherwise.

This got me thinking about when I try to call people and they don’t answer (or we end up playing phone tag). What if there was a better way to see someone’s intent when they don’t answer the phone? More specifically, what if it showed a live stream of them looking at the incoming call and then deciding whether or not to answer?

I can see this feature going sideways fast. Just because you can make information accessible, doesn’t mean you should. It would be helpful for people working in sales or if you’re really trying to get ahold of someone, though I think the call recipient would beg to differ.

I don’t see this shipping, but if it did, how fun would that be?

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