iOS teeny-tiny snooze button

Wake up before it's too late

I was lucky enough to go to bed at a decent hour last night. It was delightful. However, many nights this is not the case. On late nights, waking up is hard. I have that dog in me, so even when the going gets tough, I carry on.

Looking back at the last few late nights, I know that I am forever indebted to the alarm functionality baked into every iPhone. You can set your bedtime, customize the frequency of notifications, and most importantly, customize the sound that wakes you up in the morning. One strange quirk: there’s a giant orange snooze button every morning. This has never made sense to me, as snoozing incentivizes the polar opposite of what you want when setting an alarm (to wake up).

What if there was a way to motivate people to wake up faster? You can imagine a feature where the longer you wait to snooze, the smaller the snooze button becomes. Eventually, you’ll be frantically tapping on your screen until you hit the perfect pixel to dismiss the alarm.

If this was an opt-in feature, I could see a lot of people going for it. If this was a mandatory feature, people would get mad. I doubt it gets built either way.

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