LinkedIn announcement post summary

You don't have to write a book to tell me you switched jobs

Good morning everyone.

Today is a big day for me, as it’s my first day at a new job. The catch, I am working for myself. That being said, brace yourself for bad jokes about my boss (me) being the worst.

On a more serious note, I’m excited to launch Iterate, a design agency that provides product design, website design, product strategy, and content marketing (think viral content) services. I’ve been toying with going solo for a long time, and I finally worked up the courage to rip the band-aid off and do it.

This meant I had to update my LinkedIn and announce that I was switching jobs. Writing semi-earnest, genuine content represents a significant tone shift for me, and it proved challenging to write a post that didn’t feel too cringe.

This got me thinking about all the long-winded, cringe content I see on LinkedIn. Last year I explored a cringe reaction button on LinkedIn, but thinking about generative AI, I wondered what it might be like to have a button where you could simplify long posts into a one-sentence summary. This would be super useful, though LinkedInfluencers might not like it if AI repurposed their flowery writing into brief, substantive content that’s easy to read.

I digress, hopefully, you enjoyed today’s concept.

If you or someone you know might be interested in working with Iterate, check out the website I linked above, or email me!

Have a friend who writes super long LinkedIn posts? Send them this newsletter.

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