The LinkedIn Birthday Ban

Why do automated messages on LinkedIn even exist?

Good morning and happy Thursday to all 451 of you!

LinkedIn is a truly wild platform.

It’s a hybrid of people making good money using it as a sales too but also it’s a weird social feed with no clearly defined etiquette. Is it Facebook? Is it Twitter? What am I supposed to do here? Why are people just reposting their Twitter threads? Why is there a photo of a crying CEO on my feed?

As unhinged as this all is, that’s not what I want to discuss today.

If you’ve used LinkedIn and made the mistake of providing your date of birth when signing up like I did, I pity you. You probably get an influx of people you barely know sending you birthday wishes. The reason for this is that by default a button will show up in your connections notifications to wish you a happy birthday.

Innocuous enough, right?

No. The button automatically sends a canned message. This gets very annoying, very fast. So what if instead of reverting this we just made blocking these communications a ✨premium✨ feature?

It’s far-fetched, but there’s some permutation of this idea that could make people purchase LinkedIn premium.

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