LinkedIn cringe reaction option

We're all thinking it

Happy Friday all. It's almost the weekend.

LinkedIn is an interesting place. I could write an essay on some of the most viral posts I've seen, such as CEOs crying, people making memes, and other people being genuinely helpful, but these will have to wait for another day.

It wasn't long ago that all you could do was like a LinkedIn post. However, they followed in Facebook's path and added additional reactions like finding things funny, loving something, finding it insightful, etc. This is great but it fails to account for the amount of cringey content on the platform.

My friend Joseph gave me a great suggestion, what if there was an option to cringe in reaction to a post.

Now, granted, this emoji probably isn't quite the right one, but it's close enough to get the point across. It's definitely intentional that there are no real ways to negatively react to a post, but if there were it might paint a clearer picture of what some people are actually thinking about some of the content on LinkedIn.

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