LinkedIn profile photo age

It's time for a new headshot

I started going bald at 17. Some people would call this a curse, but I’d say it’s a blessing given I didn’t spend any of my identity-forming years coming to grips with not having hair after having it. Yes, there was a slight existential crisis when I was young, but I got over it and started shaving my head. Haven’t looked back yet.

Now I have a different problem. I’m so busy it’s tough to find time to update my professional headshot. Additionally, it’s hard to justify when I’ve built a social following that recognizes my current profile photo, and I don’t look that different.

This got me thinking about professional platforms like LinkedIn. I’m certain tens of thousands of people haven’t updated their profile photos in nearly a decade. What if there was a feature that outed them for this? You can imagine a disclaimer that the person likely doesn’t look the same.

You could push this even further and ask them to take a more current photo. This feels like an overreach, but at the same time, it’s hilarious and would be a great way to create some spicy interactions on an otherwise sterile social network.

I doubt this launches, but it could be fun on many different social apps.

Have a friend who never updates their headshot? Send them this newsletter.


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