Mike's Hard Times

The lesser known works of Charles Dickens

Good morning and happy Monday.

We're now officially a month and a half into the Mike's Hard Monday series I've been working on. For the unfamiliar, I just mash together an unrelated product with Mike's Hard Lemonade.

We've had Mike's Hard Boiled Eggs, Mike's Hard Taco Shells, and many more. Today we venture into the literary world. Introducing Mike's Hard Times by Charles Dickens.

The concept alone is absurd, but when I shared it with a friend their immediate reaction was to have ai rewrite the book to include Mike's Hard products. Unfortunately I did not take the time to do this over the weekend, but if any of you decide to run with this please keep me informed of your experiments.

As always, tomorrow we will return to our regularly scheduled programming UI unhinged design concepts.

Hi there! My name is Soren. I make satirical app designs daily.

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