More notifications, bigger apps

Resize apps based on notifications

Yesterday, I was notified by my manufacturer that my books have been made and are now en route to me! This was very exciting and I re-shared the preorder link with my following on a few different social channels. While exciting, the anxiety-inducing byproduct of this is a lot of notifications on basically every app I use from Slack to Gmail to LinkedIn. Notifications are just a part of being human in the 21st century, but managing them effectively is truly an art form.

When you have a lot of unread notifications within a certain app, they can start to weigh heavily on your mind. This got me thinking… what if they started to weigh heavily on your device? One can imagine a world where apps dynamically scale based on how many unread notifications you have. For many people, this would just mean their Gmail and iMessage apps would take up 50% of their screen. If there was a way to build this, however, a lot of people would try to manage their inboxes more aggressively.

I can’t advise this as an actual solution, but it would sure get a lot of people’s attention on the notifications they’ve been ignoring.

Have a friend who would never watch Netflix again if this existed? Send them this newsletter.

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