Refer phone calls to a therapist

For those needy friends

Happy Monday and I hope my American readers are enjoying the long weekend.

You ever have those friends who are calling and you just really don’t want to get into a conversation, but you know they need to talk to someone? I’ve definitely been there (both on the calling and receiving end of the equation).

People screen calls for this very reason, but what if there was a way to refer an incoming call to a therapist? Yes, it’s extremely aggressive but it could prove super helpful for some people. That is, if they can afford it.

Thinking about this a little bit more, if you were referring a friend to a platform like Betterhelp you could even get a small affiliate payment if your referral turns into an ongoing paid customer.

It’s outlandish to be sure, but I do think having someone to talk to could be really helpful for a lot of people.

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