Scream to snooze

5 more minutes?

Since I started working out, I’ve noticed I need more sleep than I used to. This makes sense; I’m exerting more physical pressure on my body, requiring more time to recharge. It’s annoying having to maintain this while also building two businesses, but here we are.

Yesterday I had to wake up early to drive to LA, and I still got stuck in traffic. As my alarm went off I was screaming internally and then I wondered. What if you had to scream a certain volume or duration to enable snoozing?

This likely defeats the purpose of a snooze button for many, as once you start screaming, you (and everyone near you) are likely wide awake. However, it would be fun to see how people would try to circumvent or hack this feature. Since it defeats the purpose of the underlying application, I don’t see a world where this becomes a thing, but it’d be fun to build as a side project.

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