Siri dictation includes sound effects

A little too high fidelity

Siri, Alex, and Google Home (Assistant? Gemini? I’m not sure what to call it) are all pretty subpar user experiences in my opinion. For example, last night, when my wife tried to set an alarm for 6:30 and Alex clarified, “AM or PM?”.

This is a reasonable question, but since my wife has been waking up at the same time every day for nearly a year, the platform could be more intelligent. Siri does the same thing, or it simply gets dictation wrong.

This got me thinking about dictating messages on iOS. It does a decent job of capturing audio, but what if it could capture everything? Siri could notate when you toot, cough, or shuffle around.

There’s no utility here. It’s just unhinged. I would love to see this launch because it’d be hilarious, but I see no reason for this to ever get shipped to production.

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