Spotify wedding playlist hijack

Wedding crashers, but remotely

Yesterday I went to a wedding in San Diego for a family member. It was a beautiful ceremony and a nice time to catch up with extended family. Also, after a week of rain and flooding the sky cleared up and it was a perfect day. After the ceremony and dinner the dance floor up.

Most of you haven’t seen me dance but my in-laws liken it to “Gumby” and I compare it to those inflatable tall things you see at car dealerships. It is a sight to behold.

I don’t have a lot of dance moves, but I make up for it with pure passion. However, if the DJ isn’t setting the right vibe it can throw off the night for everyone, no matter how good a dancer they are.

I started thinking while dancing last night, what if you could use the Spotify app to hijack someone’s wedding playlist and choose your own songs? I don’t know what software DJs use, but I bet some use Spotify. If they did, and people could remotely take over the playlist, chaos would ensue.

This feature would suck, but it’d be interesting to see other people in your area listening to similar music. Spotify could expand from simply a music discover app to a way to make new friends or even dates. It’s a bit of a reach, but could be a fun moonshot project.

Have a friend who had a great wedding reception playlist? Send them this newsletter.

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