Tinder back hair count

More superficial please

Society creates unrealistic standards for how people are “supposed” to look. Even worse, these standards can, at times, reinforce ideal body standards that are the opposite of what people find attractive. I’m not a psychologist, nor am I an expert on what people find attractive. I’m just a random guy with an internet connect and a Figma account, so I’ll spare everyone who’s reading this the pain of me trying to opine on something I know little about.

I had an idea for Tinder. Not sure why, but sometimes I have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. This led me to google whether or not back hair is attractive. An incredibly legitimate and credible source (MensJournal) informed me that 70% of people interviewed do find it attractive.

But what if the opposite was true? What if people found it unfavorable? What if, on top of this, Tinder programmatically revealed how much back hair you have to potential matches?

This is one of those ideas I’m 1) not sure how I came up with and 2) doubt it’s technically possible to implement. I guess if Tinder had full access to your camera roll and you had a shirtless photo (of your back??) it could make an estimated guess, but it wouldn’t be accurate.

Have a friend who has back hair? Send them this newsletter. https://sorens.beehiiv.com/


or to participate.