Uber 49ers fan

Hear about last night's game

For people who don’t care about sports, the Super Bowl was last night. Some of you watch because you’re a fan of either the sport, the Chiefs, or the 49ers. Some watch for the commercials and the halftime show. Whatever the reason, it’s a fun time to eat unhealthy food and spend time with loved ones of family.

My dad has been a diehard Chiefs fan for nearly 50 years. The Chiefs won, so he’s pretty excited. I’m excited for him. Millions of 49ers however, are not so excited right now.

As I was driving home from my in-laws last night there were signs all over the highway that encouraged people to not drive drunk or high. I’d venture to guess Uber sees a surge in people who need rides after the game ends.

This got me thinking… what if you could specify what team your driver liked? Better yet, what if you could emotionally support your driver if they were a fan of the team that lost?

On one hand, it could be cool to connect with a driver if you’re a big fan of the same time. If they are mad or sad about the outcome of a recent game though… it’d be less fun.

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