Zillow Neighbor Reviews

How might we better know our neighbors?

Happy Monday (if there is such a thing).

If you've ever bought a home, or even just browsed Zillow dreaming of buying a home, you might have given a passing thought to what your neighbors could be like. Once you start touring homes this becomes an even bigger consideration.

Here's an idea that could go sideways a million different ways: Zillow neighbor reviews.

Imagine being able to see who you would be living near and what makes them great or terrible neighbors. This is a wild idea that would rip neighborhood relationships apart and also have very interesting impacts on property values.

Originally I had a version of this I called "meet the neighbors" where you could call any of your potential neighbors, but I went with "neighbor reviews as it felt much easier to grasp.

Nevertheless, it's an interesting thought exercise and I had fun designing it.

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